Access Keys:

Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche Bunkers Hill, Castlewellan

Ealaíontóirí Iontacha

1st Jun 2017

Tá Rang 6/7 i ndiaidh tamall beag a chaitheamh ar thionscnamh le dhá scoil eile sa cheantar, Annsborough Integrated Primary School and Castlewellan Primary School, ar an cheantar áitiúil agus ar stair an cheantair. Tá obair mhór déanta ag an trí scoil ar an téama seo - obair ar logainmneacha, muilleann línéadaigh Annsborough agus stair an tí mhóir sa pháirc fhoraoise. Mar chéiliúradh air seo, beidh taispeántas ealaíne á léiriú againn thuas staighre sa leabharlann ón Mháirt seo chugainn ar aghaidh ar feadh míosa. Tabhair cuairt ar an taispeántas agus bain sult as obair iontach ár ndaltaí.


Rang 6/7 have just spent some time working on a shared education project with two other local schools, Annsborough Integrated and Castlewellan Primary School. The project included work on local placenames, the Annsborough linen mill and the history of the mansion in Castlewellan Forest Park. As a celebration, we've organised an art display in the upstairs section of Castlewellan library, which will be open to visitors from next Tuesday throughout the month of June. Come along and have a look at our pupils' excellent work.