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Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche Bunkers Hill, Castlewellan

Cluasa Capaill ar an Rí, hé, hé, hí, hí!

9th Feb 2023

Mar chuid dár dtopaic ‘Ár dtír, ár gcultúr’, chaith R6 seal ag foghlaim faoi thábhacht na bhfinscéalta dúinn mar Ghaeil. Rinne na páistí obair mhór ar an fhinscéal ‘Cluasa Capaill ar an Rí’. Thaitin an scéal go mór linn! Chum na páistí rap chun an scéal casta seo a athinsint. D’oibrigh siad go crua chun an rithim agus rím cheart a chruthú! Nach bhfuil bua na scríbhneoireachta acu? 

As part of our topic ‘Our country, our culture’, R6 spent time exploring Irish mythology and considering how important this is to our identity as Gaels. We focused on the famous legend ‘Cluasa Capaill ar an Rí’ (The King with the Donkey Ears). We really enjoyed this story! The children worked together to compose a rap to retell the legend, and worked particularly hard to create a suitable rhythm and rhyme scheme. What talented writers we have in R6!