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Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche Bunkers Hill, Castlewellan
Lá agus Oíche Oscailte Open Day and Night: Thursday the 21st of November [Open Image]
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Ag Réiteach Fadhbanna

6th Sep 2019

Tá tús maith curtha leis an bhliain úr scoile ag na daltaí Rang 6/7. Seo roinnt grianghraf de na daltaí agus iad i mbun oibre an tseachtain seo ag réiteach fadhbanna sa Mhata. Tús maith, leath na hoibre.

Rang 6/7 pupils have made a good start to the new school year. Here are some photographs of the pupils working on problem solving tasks this week. A good start is half the work.