Comhairle na Scoile

Tagann ár gComhairle Scoile le chéile uair sa mhí (ar a laghad) chun cúrsaí scoile éagsúla a phlé a théann i bhfeidhm ar ár ndáltaí. Cuireann an Comhairle Scoile dearcadh na bpáistí chun tosaigh, agus cinntíonn siad go bhfuil guth na bpáistí le cluinstin ag múinteoirí agus ag gobharnóirí na scoile.
Our School Council, comprised of students from Rang 4 - 7, come together (at least) once per month to discuss and improve matters which are important to our pupils. Our School Council reflects the needs and the opinions of the pupils in the school, and they ensure our children's voices are heard by teachers and governors of our school community.
Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche Bunkers Hill, Castlewellan, Co Down BT31 9EB
Phone: 028 4377 1356