Access Keys:

Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche Bunkers Hill, Castlewellan

Turas chun na Gaeltachta

18th May 2023

Bhain páistí R6 agus R7 idir shult agus thairbhe as turas s’againne chun na Gaeltachta ar na mallaibh. Bhí tráth na gceist againn oíche Mháirt i Rann na Feirste i gcomhluadar Gaeil óga eile an chontae. Comhoibriú den scoth a bhí le feiceáil!  Chaith muid seal amuigh faoin spéir, ag súgradh lenár gcairde ó Bhunscoil Mhuire agus Phádraig an lá dár gcionn. Bhí na páistí faoi dhraíocht áilleacht na háite! Ansin, thug muid cuairt ar fheirm bheag i nDún Lúiche. Thaitin seo go mór leis na páistí!  San oíche, bhí oíche airneáil ar dóigh againn le muintir Ghaoth Dobhair. Maith iad na páistí uilig a bhí ag canadh amach go deas ardghlórach! 

Moladh go hard na spéire iad agus iad ag spalpadh Gaeilge bhinn bhlásta i rith ama! 

Maith sibh a chairde! 


The children from Rang a Sé and Rang a Seacht thoroughly enjoyed their trip to the Gaeltacht. On Tuesday night, they attended a quiz with children from the 4 other Irish medium schools in County Down. There was great teamwork on display! The next day, we spent a lot of time outside, underneath the mountains, playing on the beach with our friends from Bunscoil Mhuire agus Phádraig. The children were amazed by the beauty of the local area! We then visited the petting zoo in Dunlewey, which the children loved. In the evening, we played music and sang songs with local children. Well done to all the children who sang out in Irish so sweetly and confidently! 

The children were highly praised by the locals for their use of Irish! 

Well done everyone!