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Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche Bunkers Hill, Castlewellan

Seachtain na hEolaíochta i Rang 4

10th Nov 2021

Bhí craic mhaith ag rang 4 inniu ag fiosrú na dóigheanna a mbíonn na hainmhithe Artacha in oiriúint dá gnáthóg. D’fhoghlaim muid go mbíonn cóta tiubh agus go leor saille acu chun iad a choinneáilt te. D’úsáid muid saill i miotóg chun seo a fhiosrú. 

Rinne muid bád déanta de pháipéar chomh maith agus d’éirigh linn iad a chur ar snámh. 

Rang 4 had great fun today investigating how arctic animals keep warm. We learnt that they grow warmer fur or grow a layer of insulating fat to keep them warm. We tested this by using lard to act as an insulator to protect our hands from the icy water. 

We also made some paper boats to see if they would sink or float. They were so good at floating we decided to see how many cubes it would take for the boat to sink. All of our predictions were wrong as the boat held 95 cubes before sinking.