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Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche Bunkers Hill, Castlewellan

Scéim Rothaíochta

10th Jun 2021

Comghairdeas mór leis na daltaí Rang 7 a chríochnaigh an Scéim Um Oilteacht Rothaíochta an tseachtain seo. Bhí siad ag obair go dian gach Céadaoin i ndiaidh na scoile ó bhí saoire na Cásca ann, ag foghlaim an dóigh le bheith ag rothaíocht go sábháilte. Bhí orthu scrúdú teoirice agus scrúdúd praiticiúil a dhéanamh agus d’éirigh go fíormhaith leo ar fad. Maith sibh.

Congratulations to the Rang 7 pupils who finished the Cycling Proficiency Scheme this week. They’ve been working hard every Wednesday after school from after the Easter holiday, learning how to cycle safely. They had to complete a practical and a theory test, and they all did very well. Maith sibh.