Access Keys:

Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche Bunkers Hill, Castlewellan

Reathaíocht Trastíre

24th Oct 2023

Táimid iontach bródúil ar fad as an fhoireann reathaithe a chuaigh go Baile Nua na hArda an tseachtain seo le bheith ag rith ar son na scoile sa chomórtas trastíre Flahavan’s. Rith siad uilig le croí mór maith agus sheas siad mar ionadaithe iontacha den scoil. Buíochas mór leis an Mháistreás Rachel, agus le Connaire agus Siobhán as an chuidiú le traenáil agus le cúrsaí riaracháin do na comórtais trastíre, agus leis na tuismitheoirí uilig a tháinig le cuidiú ar an lá. Agus ar deireadh, ba mhaith liom buíochas a ghabháil leis na páistí a léirigh meon den chéad scoth, ag traenáil agus ag ullmhú dá rásaí, agus ar ndóigh as an dóigh ar thug siad faoin dúshlán go díograiseach dúthrachtach inné.

We are all very proud of our squad of runners who went to Newtownards this week to represent the school in the Flahavan's cross country competition. They all ran with good heart and determination, and stood as great representatives of the school. Many thanks to Máistreás Rachel, and to Connaire and Siobhán for their great help with training and administration for the cross country competitions, and to all the parents who came to help on the day. And finally, I would like to thank the children who showed a first class attitude, training and preparing for their races, and of course for the way they took on the challenge with enthusiasm and dedication yesterday.

This month’s Seanfhocal na Míosa is ‘De réir a chéile a thógtar na caisleáin’ (bit by bit, castles are built). This squad’s achievements yesterday, both individually and in their teams, epitomises the spirit of this idiom. These boys and girls have made great efforts over the years with their practising and training, and under the guidance and tutelage of parent volunteers Connaire and Siobhán, it’s been a pleasure to see this particular castle come up, becoming stronger and more fortified with every lap around Bunkers Hill.
Coinnígí oraibh a pháistí, maith sibh.

As ever, full race report from Siobhán Grant at the following link: