Pógadh an Spóil
Le roinnt seachtainí anuas tá rang 6/7 ag obair go crua chun dráma a léiriú bunaithe ar an saol a bhí ag muintir na muilte línéadaigh in Éirinn ag tús na 20ú haoise. “Pógadh an Spóil” is teideal don dráma, scríofa ag Dan Gordon. Chuir muid an dráma i láthair do na daltaí ar fad sa scoil agus dár gcairde ó Annsborough Integrated PS maidin Dé Máirt agus d’éirigh go han-mhaith leis na páistí. Beidh seó eile againn oíche Dé Luain seo chugainn in Ardscoil Naomh Maolmhaodhóg, chomh maith le dráma atá ullmhaithe ag rang 4/5. Bígí linn!
Rang 6/7 pupils have been working hard over the last few weeks on our play, “Kissing the Shuttle”, a play written by Dan Gordon based on the millworkers of Ireland in the early 20th century. This week, our younger pupils and our friends from Annsborough IPS came along to watch us perform, and we’ll be putting on a second performance next Monday night in St. Malachy’s High School. Rang 4/5 will also be performing a play of their own. Come along and enjoy the shows. Beginning at 7.30pm and there’s no cost on the door!
Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche Bunkers Hill, Castlewellan, Co Down BT31 9EB
Phone: 028 4377 1356
Email: info@bunscoilbb.com