Access Keys:

Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche Bunkers Hill, Castlewellan

Oideachas Roinnte

27th Apr 2022

Bhí lá ghalánta againn inniu agus muid i bpáirc na foraoise mar chuid dár gcomhpháirtíocht le Annsborough Integrated san Oideachas Roinnte. Chaith muid am ag siúl thart le Liz Farnan ag foghlaim faoi na crainn/ plandaí agus ag iarraidh na duilleoga a aimsiú. D'imir muid roinnt cluichí le céile agus ansin chuaigh muid go dtí an Arboretum chun na crainn ó tiortha éagsúla a fheiceáil. Bhí lá den scoth againn! 

We had a lovely day today in Castlewellan forest park as part of our shared education partnership with Annsborough Integrated Primary school. Liz Farnan took us on a walk to teach us about the different trees and plant and then we had to try and identify the different leaves using a leaf idial. We played some games together and then went to the Arboretum. We had such a great day!