Access Keys:

Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche Bunkers Hill, Castlewellan

Madaí Madadh

29th Mar 2020

Bhí seachtain iontach gnóthach ag Madaí Madadh agus é ar a laethanta saoire le Múinteoir Gráinne. Seo cúpla griangraf de na rudaí a rinne sé. Ba bhreá leis griangraf a fheiceáil de na rudaí atá sibh ag déanamh chomh maith! 

Madaí Madaí has had a busy first week on his holidays with Múinteoir Gráinne. He has helped Gráinne to paint the fence, he baked some Wheaten Bread, helped with the washing and made another new friend, Buaille. He is having great fun playing with Toby and Buaille in the sun. He has asked me to put up some photographs so you can see what he has been up to!

Although he has been keeping busy and enjoying making new friends, he still really misses all the boys and girls in naíscoil. He would love to see some photographs of how everyone is getting on. We hope you are all staying safe and enjoying spending time at home with your families! 

Le grá,

Madaí Madadh agus Múinteoir Gráinne