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Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche Bunkers Hill, Castlewellan

Lions Club Public Speaking Competition

21st Nov 2018

Ghlac foireann ó Rang 7 páirt sa Chomórtas Óráidíocht Phoiblí a bhí á reachtáil ag an Lions Club ar an Chaisleán Nua an tseachtain seo caite. Rinne siad ionadaíocht iontach ar son na scoile agus shaothraigh siad moladh óna moltóirí.


A team of Rang 7 pupils took part in the Lions Club Public Speaking Competition last week and represented themselves and their school excellently. They had to choose a charity  and make a presentation to an audience of teachers and peers as to what this charity does and why we should support them. All the R7 pupils put in terrific efforts preparing for the competition, which made it almost impossible to choose between them as to who would represent our school. In the end, the team who represented our school - Jude, Sarah, Ailbhe and Grace - did a wonderful job, earning praise from the judges. Maith sibh uilig, Rang 7!