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Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche Bunkers Hill, Castlewellan

Lá Domhanda na Meabhairshláinte

10th Oct 2023
Lá Domhanda na Meabhairshláinte atá ann inniu agus bhí comhrá ag dul ar aghaidh againn fud fad na scoile faoi thábhacht sláinte intinne s'againn. Ar ndóigh, is ábhar an-tábachtach go deo é an mheabhairshláinte i gcónaí, go háirithe sa lá atá inniu ann, agus bhí muid an-sásta gur thug an lá seo an deis dúinn an bhéim cheart a chur ar an ábhar sna ranganna le gníomhaíochtaí spraíúla éagsúla.

Today is World Mental Health Day and we had a conversation going on throughout the school about the importance of our mental health to us. Of course, mental health is always a very important subject, especially nowadays, and we were very happy that this day gave us the opportunity to put the right emphasis on the subject in the classes with various fun activities.