Imlíne agus achar i R6/ Area and Perimeter in Rang a Sé
Bhí R6 sáite sa mhata go huile is go hiomlán an tseachtain seo, agus iad ag foghlaim faoi achar agus imlíne. Bhain siad úsáid mhaith as na Numicons chun imlíne de chruthanna neamhrialta a fhiosrú agus chaith siad am faoin spéir agus iad ag tomhais imlíne sa ghairdín tosaigh. Cuireadh an dúshlán ar na páistí chun achar a gcuid táblaí a fhiosrú ag úsáid na gcearnóg bheag. D'aithin cuid mhór dóibh go raibh siad fós ábalta an t-achar a ríomh, cé nach raibh go leor cearnóg acu, toisc go raibh siad ábalta fad an tsleasa a iolrú fá leithead an tsleasa!
Páistí matamaiticiúla ag tógáil a gcuid eolais féin! Maith iad!
Rang a Sé completed great work this week whilst investigating the concepts of perimeter and area. They used Numicons to help them investigate the perimeter of irregular shapes and spent time outside in the front garden measuring the perimeters of real life objects. Yesterday, the children were challenged to find the area of their own tables using sticky notes. Many children quickly realised that they did not have to cover the table completely and count the squares to work out the area. Instead they simply multiplied the length of the table by its width! Maith iad!
Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche Bunkers Hill, Castlewellan, Co Down BT31 9EB
Phone: 028 4377 1356