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Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche Bunkers Hill, Castlewellan

Éicealaochra ar an Teilifís

8th Nov 2022

Táimid iontach bródúil as ár ndaltaí Rang 7 a bhí ar Éiceachoiste na Scoile anuraidh agus a ghlac páirt sa chlár teilifíse 'An Focal Scoir' a craoladh aréir, go háirithe leis na páistí a labhair go hiontach os comhair na gceamaraí. Bhí sibh thar barr ar fad. Comhghairdeas libh a pháistí agus comhghairdeas leis an Mháistreás Rachel as an obair mhór mhaith atá déanta aici leis an Éiceachoiste le tamall beag anuas.

We're very proud of our Rang 7 pupils who were on the School's Eco Committee last year and who took part in the television program 'An Focal Scoir' which was broadcast last night, especially the children who spoke wonderfully in front of the cameras. You were all brilliant as representatives of our school. Congratulations to the children and congratulations to Máistreás Rachel for the great work she has done with the Eco Committee over the last while.

We decided against sending a message yesterday as the show was on quite late but you can catch it on the BBC iPlayer at the following link, our pupils come on around 15 minutes into the programme.