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Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche Bunkers Hill, Castlewellan

Foghlaim digiteach/ Digital learning

11th Mar 2020

Foghlaim  Digiteach

An seachtain seo caite bhí scoil s’againn ( Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche) iontach gnoitheach mar bhí muid ag Comhdháil mór faoin fhoghlaim digiteach i mBéal Feirste. Bhí sé ar siúl ar feadh trí lá. Ar an chead lá chuaigh muid chuig an tionól agus bhí daoine difriúla ó scoileanna agus ón Roinn Oideachais ag caint. Bhí cuid dár ndaltaí ann ó Rang 7  agus labhair muidinne faoin dóigh a úsáideann muid teicneolaíocht in ár scoil. Ansin chuaigh muid chuig stáinín s’againn agus tháinig a lán daoine le ceisteanna a chur orainn . Dúirt muid leo faoina dóigheanna a mbíonn teicneolaíocht in úsáid againn in ar scoil. Ina dhiaidh sin fuair muid lón ( bhí se blasta). Rinne muid an rud céanna an dá lá eile ach ar an tríú lá fuair muid mála féiríní.  Le Michael McKeever..

Digital learning.

Last week our school (Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche) was very busy because we went to a conference about digital learning. Some of the p7 pupils went too. When we first got there we went to an assembly about digital learning. There were some important people talking from the Inspectorate and the Department of Education. Then our principal also made a speech and finally the pupils spoke from their perspective. After that we went to our stand in the “Learning Fair” and some people came up to us and asked us how we use ICT across the whole curriculum. Then we had our lunch ( it was yummy). We did this for 3 days but on the 3rd day we got a goody bag for all our efforts.


Thank you very much for reading by Michael McKeever.