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Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche Bunkers Hill, Castlewellan


10th Feb 2018

Do Lá na Sábhailteachta Idirlín, bhí comhairle na scoile s’againn an-ghnóthach ag cumadh acrainm snasta le cuidiú le páistí s’againn agus páistí gaelscoile eile coinneáil slán is sábháilte agus iad ar an Idirlíon.

For Safer Internet Day 2018, our school council came up with a catchy acronym (FOCAS - based on the SMART eSafety message in English) to help remind pupils in our school and other Gaelscoileanna of how to stay safe and act responsibly when online.

They even composed and published a news article and had it published on Seomra Nuachta! Make sure to log on to My School and look for it in the Tuairisceoir Scoile subsection to give it a like!