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Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche Bunkers Hill, Castlewellan

Feis an Dúin

4th Apr 2023

Comhghairdeas leis na páistí uilig sa scoil a ghlac páirt sna comórtais ag Feis an Dúin ag an deireadh seachtaine. Dar leis na moltóirí go raibh ár bpáistí iontach maith, iontach múinte agus dúirt siad fosta go bhfuil Gaeilge an-mhaith acu. Comhghairdeas mór speisialta leis na páistí uilig a bhain na boinn seo as a gcuid iarrachtaí leis an chomhrá agus lena gcuid dánta. Buíochas mór le lucht eagraithe na Feise as feis iontach a chur ar siúl dúinn, agus buíochas speisialta leo as scoláireachtaí a chur ar fáil dár ndaltaí Rang 6/7 dá dturas Gaeltachta.

Congratulations to all our pupils who took part in the competitions at Feis an Dúin at the weekend. The judges conveyed to us that our children were very good, very well-mannered and they also commended their levels of Irish. Special congratulations to our pupils who won medals for their efforts with the conversation and poetry competitions. A big thank you to the organisers of the Feis for their work in organising a great event, and a special thank you for providing scholarships for some of our Rang 6/7 students for their Gaeltacht trip.