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Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche Bunkers Hill, Castlewellan

Digital Schoolhouse

13th Oct 2017

Chaith Rang 6/7 an lá ag Ardscoil Naomh Maolmhaodhóg Dé hAoine ag foghlaim fá dtaobh den ríomhaireacht agus fá dtaobh den chódáil – agus ní raibh oiread is ríomhaire amháin in úsáid acu!

Rang 6/7 spent the day at St. Malachy’s High School on Friday learning about computers and about coding – all without even using a computer!

The class had two great sessions with Mr. O’Hare learning lots and lots about algorithms, and about how we use these to make and run programs in computing.