Access Keys:

Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche Bunkers Hill, Castlewellan

Cigireacht sa scoil / School Inspection

27th Sep 2017

A thuismitheoirí, fuair sibh litir inniu i mála scoile bhur bpaistí á mhaíomh go mbeidh cigireacht sa scoil ar an 9ú aus 10ú lá Deireadh Fómhair.

Dear parents, today you received a letter in your child's schoolbag announcing that The Education and Training Inspectorate will be visiting our school on the 9th & 10th October to carry out a school inspection. As part of their inspection process, they are keen to hear your views on the quality of the school's provision. We would like to encourage you to complete an online questionnaire. It can be found on the home page at the web address below:

click on the INSPECTION QUESTIONNAIRE tab under Quick Links


The questionnaire code is 4046648.

You will be asked to register; this requires you to provide an email address. An email containing further instructions will then be sent to the email address provided. An online help guide is available to assist you in completing the questionnaire. The questionnaire should take no more than 15 minutes to complete.

Please note that registration is a once only process. Users who have registered previously for an inspection questionnaire do not need to re-register and will receive an error message if they attempt to register again using the same email address. Users who have forgotten their password should follow the prompt on the homepage for a password reset.

The online questionnaire should be completed by 4th October 2017.

If you have any problems completing the confidential questionnaire or accessing the links above please contact the Inspection Services Team by email on or by telephone on 028 9127 9264. Paper copies will be sent to you on request.

Please also read the other information from the ETI in the letter in your child's bag.

Go raibh maith agaibh,
