Rang 1
Dia daoibh, agus fáilte romhaibh chuig Rang 1!
Hello and welcome to Rang 1! We hope you enjoy reading our news and keeping up with our busy class.
A Powerpoint of essential info for Rang 1 parents is available to view in the 'Parent' section under 'Nascanna'.
Múinteoir Máire Boden is the Rang 1 teacher at Naíscoil agus Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche. On Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Máire will be assisted by Martina Lenaghan, and on Thursdays and Fridays, she will be assisted by Beth Lawlor.
We strongly urge you to ensure pupils wear shoes and coats to school that they are able to put on and take off independently.
Similarly, please ensure your child can independently open and close their own lunchboxes/containers/wrappers for break and lunchtime. We urge you not to not send them to school with items that they cannot access themselves. We would really appreciate your understanding and cooperation with this.
PE for Rang 1 is on Friday afternoons. Pupils should come to school every Friday in PE gear - a pair of trainers and plain, unbranded navy or grey tracksuit bottoms. In addition, we have a school jersey and school quarter zip top (entirely optional) which pupils can wear to school on PE days if they so wish. If they do not have a jersey or quarter zip, they simply wear their school t shirt and jumper as normal with their navy or grey jogging/tracksuit bottoms. The jersey and quarter zip top are available to purchase all year around from the O'Neills website.
We do not set written homework tasks in Rang 1 until after the Halloween break, but we have a virtual 'Google Classroom' which we use to set weekly tasks such as watching an Irish language video, collect some items from nature, or find items of a certain colour/shape etc from around the home.
Rather than bringing these items to school, we instead ask parents/pupils to take photos of their activities, and post them to our Google Classroom. Instructions and log-in details to access Google Classroom have been sent home, but you can always check in with us in class if you need further assistance with logging in.
If you have any further questions, you can send a message to Máire on the Google Classroom stream, send in a note, or arrange an appointment to meet with me by either ringing the school office to leave a message, and I'll get back to you asap.
Go raibh maith agaibh!
Latest Photographs

Class Photograph

Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche Bunkers Hill, Castlewellan, Co Down BT31 9EB
Phone: 028 4377 1356
Email: info@bunscoilbb.com