Access Keys:

Bunscoil Bheanna Boirche Bunkers Hill, Castlewellan

Cruinniú Éicea choiste le Laura Devlin

7th Mar 2017

Chuir an tÉicea choiste cuireadh chuig Luara Devlin le freastal ar chruinniú ar na mallaibh. Phléigh muid dóigheanna praiticiúla le feabhas a chur ar chúrsaí bruscair in Dún Droinne. Tá sé ar intinn againn 'Glantóireacht Mhór an Earraigh' a dhéanamh agus brú a chur ar an Chomhairle níos mó áiseanna a chur ar fáil. Fosta sa ghrianghraf tá Emer O'Hagan, duine de ghobharnoirí na scoile.

Our Eco- School committee wrote a letter inviting local councillor Laura Devlin to attend one of our Eco-School meetings to discuss practical ways forward to try to improve the litter and dog fouling problem in Bunkers Hill Woods. We plan to organise a 'Big Spring Clean up' in the coming weeks and try to encourage the Council to provide better facilities for the area. Also pictured is Emer O'Hagan, a representative from the board of governors.